Conversational AI: What It Is and How To Use It [Complete Guide]

A recent study published in JAMA Oncology found that AI chatbots, especially OpenAI’s ChatGPT, outshine doctors in delivering empathetic and readable responses to cancer-related questions.
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A recent study published in JAMA Oncology found that AI chatbots, especially OpenAI’s ChatGPT, outshine doctors in delivering empathetic and readable responses to cancer-related questions. Healthcare professionals rated ChatGPT’s answers higher in both empathy and readability. 

Imagine an AI assistant that not only understands you but responds with more compassion than a human—this is the future that conversational AI promises. Conversational AI has come a long way, evolving from simple rule-based systems to advanced, context-aware interactions powered by machine learning. This technology is now essential in applications like customer support and virtual assistants, offering more personalized and effective communication.

The global conversational AI market is booming, projected to grow at an annual rate of 30.2%, reaching $22.6 billion by 2024. So how can your business tap into this growing market? This article will guide you through the technicalities, enterprise use cases, and the easiest ways to implement conversational AI in your business, ensuring your business stay at the forefront of the competitive landscape. 

What is Conversational AI? A Definition

Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence systems designed to stimulate human-like conversations through text or voice interactions. 

Conversational AI vs Traditional Chatbots 

Conversational AI has advanced from simple rule-based systems to machine-learning driven models capable of understanding context, maintaining dialogue, and providing personalized responses. 


Traditional Chatbots

Conversational AI


Rule-based systems

Machine learning and deep learning (Neural Networks such as RNNs and Transformers to model relationships and understand context and semantics). 

Response Generation

Predefined scripts

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Language Understanding

Keyword matching

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Intent Recognition


Using techniques like Logistic Regression and Neural Networks

Exmaple Models

None (rule-based)

GPT, BERT, Transformer models

Use Cases

Simple FAQ, basic task automation

Customer support, virtual assistants, complex task automation


Conversational AI vs Generative AI

While conversational AI helps machines have human-like conversations, using NLP to act as virtual assistants, generative AI uses models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS) to focus on creating new content, such as text or images by learning patterns from existing data. 

How Does Conversational AI Work? 

Here’s a step-by-step technical breakdown of how conversational AI operates: 

  1. The process begins when a user inputs a query, which can be either in text or speech form. For speech inputs, systems use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to convert spoken language into text using models like Hidden Markov Models (HMM) or deep neural networks (DNN).
  2. Once the input is in text form, the system performs Natural Language Processing (NLP). This involves tokenization to split the text into words or phrases, part-of-speech tagging to identify grammatical parts, named entity recognition (NER) to detect entities, syntactic parsing to analyze sentence structure, and semantic analysis to understand the meaning.
  3. The system then determines the user’s intent and extracts relevant details using intent classification and slot filling. Machine learning models such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) or transformers (like BERT) help in recognizing what the user wants and pinpointing specific information within the query.
  4. Dialogue management systems keep track of the conversation state and decide on the next action. This step involves state tracking to maintain context, policy learning to determine the response strategy, and ensuring that the conversation flows logically.
  5. To provide accurate and relevant information, the system interacts with external databases such as custom knowledge bases (KB) or APIs. It performs semantic search to understand the user’s intent better and retrieve the most relevant information by understanding the context and meaning of the query, rather than just matching keywords.
  6. The system generates human-like responses through Natural Language Generation (NLG). This involves planning the content of the response, structuring the sentences, and converting the planned content into natural language text using models like GPT-4.
  7. Finally, the response is delivered back to the user. For voice responses, Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems convert text back into speech, adjusting pitch and tone for natural sound. The system also collects user feedback to continuously improve its performance and accuracy through ongoing learning and updates.

Applications of Conversational AI In Various Industries and Examples of Use Cases

Conversational AI is transforming various industries by enhancing customer experiences, improving operational efficiency, and providing personalized interactions. Here are some examples of the benefits and use cases in each industry:




  • Improves patient engagement
  • Provides instant support
  • Assists with administrative tasks

Retail and E-commerce

  • Enhances customer service
  • Streamlines shopping experiences
  • Increases sales

Banking and Finance

  • Improves customer service
  • Automates routine tasks
  • Provides financial advice


  • Streamlines customer service
  • Reduces operational costs
  • Improves user experience

Applications of Conversational AI In Various Industries and Examples of Use Cases

Conversational AI is transforming various industries by enhancing customer experiences, improving operational efficiency, and providing personalized interactions. Here are some examples of the benefits and use cases in each industry:

Industry and Benefits


  • Improves patient engagement
  • Provides instant support
  • Assists with administrative tasks

Retail and E-commerce

Banking and Finance

  • Improves customer service
  • Automates routine tasks
  • Provides financial advice


  • Streamlines customer service
  • Reduces operational costs
  • Improves user experience


How to Measure the Return on Investment for Conversational AI Applications?

Ready to build a conversational AI application for your business? Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand how to measure the success of your conversational AI platform. Key metrics will help you evaluate its performance and return on investment (ROI). By tracking these, you can ensure that your investment is worthwhile: 

  • User engagement and satisfaction can be measured through Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and retention rates. 
  • Operational efficiency is evaluated through metrics such as automation rate, resolution time, and deflection rate. 
  • Financial performance can be assessed by examining cost savings, revenue generation, and overall ROI. 

The Best Conversational AI Platform of 2024: Voiceflow

Sam Altman said that AI will spark the "fastest" technological revolution in human history, and businesses are under immense pressure to implement AI strategies that can actually enhance customer experience. Therefore, choosing the right platform is more important than ever. 

Voiceflow stands out as the best conversational AI platform by providing an intuitive, highly collaborative, and extensible platform that allows businesses to build, deploy, and manage custom AI agents seamlessly

  1. Collaboration at Scale: Voiceflow allows teams to work together across various use cases and industry ecosystems, using reusable components and a scalable content management system.
  2. Cost Reduction: With granular control over agent inputs, you can automate complex interactions and reduce the total cost of ownership, so y ou can focus on innovation.
  3. Rapid Go-to-Market: Voiceflow’s modular structure and reusable components enable quick interaction and deployment, so your team can bring AI solutions to market and gain a competitive edge. 

Get started with Voiceflow to integrate conversational AI into your business today—it’s free!


Frequently Asked Questions

How does neural attention enhance conversational memory management? 

Neural attention helps conversational AI focus on the most important parts of previous conversations, making responses more relevant and coherent. By weighing different pieces of information based on their importance, the AI can remember and use past context effectively.

How can reinforcement learning be applied to dialogue management? 

Reinforcement learning teaches conversational AI to make better decisions through trial and error. By rewarding good interactions and penalizing poor ones, the AI learns to improve its responses to achieve better user satisfaction over time.

What techniques are used for intent detection in dialogues? 

Intent detection often involves using machine learning models that analyze text to understand user intentions. Techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and transformer models (e.g., BERT) help the AI figure out what users want to accomplish based on their input.

What methodologies are used to evaluate the effectiveness of conversational AI? 

To evaluate conversational AI, we look at metrics like how accurately it responds, how satisfied users are, and how well it completes tasks. Gathering user feedback and performing A/B testing are also essential to see how well the AI is performing in real-world scenarios.

What are the data collection best practices for training conversational AI? 

Good data collection practices include gathering diverse and high-quality data while respecting user privacy. It’s important to have a wide range of examples and accurate annotations to train the AI to handle various scenarios effectively.

What techniques are used for managing conversational memory structure?

Managing conversational memory involves using models like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and transformers. These models help the AI keep track of context over multiple interactions, ensuring it remembers key details to provide relevant responses.

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