What Is Amazon Bedrock: Pricing, Alternatives, API

Whether you're a business owner, a developer, or simply curious about AI, this article is for you. We’ll guide you through everything about Amazon Bedrock and explore its best alternatives like Voiceflow.
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Imagine you’re managing customer interactions on a massive scale, smoothly and effectively. 

That’s exactly what DoorDash achieved using Anthropic’s Claude models in Amazon Bedrock. By building a generative AI-powered self-service customer support contact center, DoorDash significantly improved the user experience for millions of customers, merchants, and Dashers.

Whether you're a business owner, a developer, or simply curious about AI, this article is for you. We’ll guide you through everything about Amazon Bedrock and explore its best alternatives like Voiceflow.

What Is Amazon Bedrock?

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that simplifies building generative AI applications using foundation models (FMs). These large, pre-trained AI models can be customized with your data through techniques like fine-tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Bedrock provides access to top AI models from companies like Anthropic, AI21 Labs, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, and Stability AI, all through a single API. 

With Bedrock, you can create AI agents that utilize your enterprise systems and data sources. Plus, as a serverless solution, Bedrock eliminates infrastructure management, allowing secure, seamless integration with familiar AWS services.

Amazon Bedrock Pricing

Amazon Bedrock is not a free service. It offers a range of pricing models based on the type of foundation models (FMs) and their usage. 

  1. On-Demand Pricing: charges are based on the number of input and output tokens processed by the model. For example, Anthropic's Claude 3 Sonnet costs $0.003 per 1,000 input tokens and $0.015 per 1,000 output tokens​.
  2. Provisioned Throughput Pricing: This model charges for dedicated throughput. Prices vary by model and commitment duration. For instance, Claude Instant costs $44.00 per hour without a commitment and $22.00 per hour with a 6-month commitment​
  3. Customization Pricing: This involves costs for fine-tuning and continued pre-training of models. Fine-tuning, such as for Cohere Command models, costs $0.004 per 1,000 tokens, with additional storage fees of $1.95 per month.
  4. Guardrails Pricing: Optional policies to ensure responsible AI use, such as content filters and sensitive information filters. Charges are based on the type of guardrail policy used. For example, content filters cost $0.75 per 1,000 text units, while denied topics cost $1.00 per 1,000 text units.

Amazon Bedrock Application Examples

Amazon Bedrock lets you create a wide range of generative AI applications. Here are a few case studies: 

  • Virtual Teachers: Build AI tutors that interact with students, provide lessons, and correct mistakes in real time.
  • Event Assistants: Create virtual assistants for events. For example, the PGA Tour created an AI assistant that helps golf fans get real-time information on events, schedules, and player stats.
  • Customer Support Bots: Develop chatbots that handle customer questions, provide personalized responses, and assist with troubleshooting.
  • Healthcare Assistants: Build virtual assistants to manage appointments, provide medication reminders, and offer preliminary diagnoses based on symptoms. 

How to Create a Chatbot Using Amazon Bedrock

  1. Start by selecting a pre-trained model from top AI providers like Anthropic, AI21 Labs, or Stability AI through Amazon Bedrock.
  2. Fine-tune the model using your own data. You can utilize techniques like fine-tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to make the model specific to your use case.
  3. Use Amazon DynamoDB for data storage and Amazon Kendra for information retrieval. Amazon Kendra can index your documents, FAQs, knowledge bases, and more, making it easy for the chatbot to provide accurate responses.
  4. Build the conversational interface using Amazon Lex, which provides advanced natural language understanding capabilities to enable your chatbot to interact with users effectively.
  5. Utilize AWS Lambda and Amplify to deploy your chatbot. Amazon Bedrock’s serverless architecture means you don’t have to worry about managing infrastructure, making deployment seamless and secure.

If you are looking for an easier way to build a gen-AI-powered agent, read on to find out no-code alternatives.

Amazon Bedrock Alternatives

Not happy with Amazon Bedrock’s services? Don’t worry, here are Bedrock’s best alternatives, including Voiceflow, OpenAI’s GPT-4, Microsoft Azure AI, and IBM Watson. We’ll dive into each option below: 

Amazon Bedrock vs Voiceflow

Voiceflow is a no-code platform for teams to design, prototype, and deploy conversational AI applications, such as chatbots and voice assistants. Trusted by over 250,000 teams, its clients feature industry giants like LVMH, Home Depot, and Vodafone.

Why should you choose Voiceflow over Amazon Bedrock? 

  • Ease of Use: Create powerful conversational AI applications without writing a single line of code. Voiceflow is designed to be user-friendly, making it perfect for teams looking to quickly prototype and deploy solutions.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Speed up your development process with intuitive design tools that allow for rapid prototyping and immediate deployment.
  • Free Tier Available: Get started without any upfront costs. Voiceflow offers a free tier, allowing you to explore its capabilities before committing.

While Amazon Bedrock is ideal for enterprises needing advanced AI capabilities and scalability, Voiceflow stands out for those looking to create conversational AI applications with ease. Its no-code approach makes it accessible and efficient for any team. Create a free account today!


Amazon Bedrock vs ChatGPT

While Amazon Bedrock is best suited for enterprises needing a variety of advanced AI capabilities with strong integration into the AWS ecosystem, ChatGPT excels in delivering high-quality conversational AI, making it ideal for businesses focusing on enhancing customer interactions through natural language processing.

Amazon Bedrock vs Microsoft Azure

While Amazon Bedrock is tailored for specialized AI applications, Microsoft Azure stands out for its broad range of cloud services and user-friendly experience. You should choose Microsoft Azure if you’re already using Microsoft products. 

Amazon Bedrock vs IBM Watson

IBM Watson offers AI solutions for natural language understanding, data analysis, and predictive modeling, making it better for businesses seeking comprehensive AI and data insights. While Amazon Bedrock focuses on specialized AI models, IBM Watson stands out for its strong data analysis tools and customizable industry-specific solutions. 

Key Takeaways

Amazon Bedrock makes it easy for businesses to build generative AI applications, from virtual teachers to customer support chatbots. 

It’s a powerful yet expensive tool, and there are some great alternatives. If you want a simpler way to build AI assistants, Voiceflow is your go-to choice. Create a free account today to get started! 


Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon Bedrock Models

Amazon Bedrock offers a variety of foundational models from top AI providers like Anthropic, AI21 Labs, Cohere, and Stability AI. These models can be customized with your own data using techniques like fine-tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to meet specific business needs.

Amazon Bedrock Agents

Amazon Bedrock enables the creation of AI agents that integrate with your enterprise systems and data sources. These agents can automate tasks, improve customer interactions, and streamline operations across various applications.

Amazon Bedrock API

To access the Amazon Bedrock API, you need to sign up for an AWS account if you don't already have one. Once logged in, navigate to the Amazon Bedrock section in the AWS Management Console. Here, you can find detailed instructions and resources to get started with the Bedrock API, including integration guides, usage examples, and comprehensive documentation.

Amazon Bedrock Documentation

Amazon Bedrock offers comprehensive documentation to help users understand and utilize its features effectively. The documentation includes guides, tutorials, and API references, ensuring that developers and businesses can make the most of Bedrock’s capabilities.

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