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Ayesha Saleem

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Ayesha is a whip-smart CxD leader who’s sought out to speak at conferences, create comprehensive CxD guides, and mentor emerging leaders. She loves to build conversational AI teams from the ground up, not unlike her farm-to-table veggie garden.
Ayesha is a whip-smart CxD leader who’s sought out to speak at conferences, create comprehensive CxD guides, and mentor emerging leaders. She loves to build conversational AI teams from the ground up, not unlike her farm-to-table veggie garden.
Ayesha is a whip-smart CxD leader who’s sought out to speak at conferences, create comprehensive CxD guides, and mentor emerging leaders. She loves to build conversational AI teams from the ground up, not unlike her farm-to-table veggie garden.
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Your CxD center of excellence (and why you don’t need one right now)

Instacart's Ayesha Saleem shares four strategies that will help conversation design leaders build exceptional teams.

Ayesha Saleem
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