export default async function main(args) {
const { google_sheets_api_key, spreadsheet_link, range } = args.inputVars;
if (!google_sheets_api_key || !spreadsheet_link || !range) {
return {
next: { path: 'error' },
trace: [{ type: "debug", payload: { message: "Missing required input variables for Google Sheets API function" } }]
const spreadsheetIdRegex = /\/d\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/;
const match = spreadsheetIdRegex.exec(spreadsheet_link);
if (!match) {
return {
next: { path: 'error' },
trace: [{ type: "debug", payload: { message: "Invalid Google Sheets URL" } }]
const spreadsheet_id = match[1];
const url = `https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/${spreadsheet_id}/values/${range}?key=${google_sheets_api_key}`;
try {
const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } });
const responseBody = response.json;
if (!responseBody || typeof responseBody !== 'object') {
return {
next: { path: 'error' },
trace: [{ type: "debug", payload: { message: "Invalid or missing response body from Google Sheets API" } }]
// Simplifying the return object for testing
return {
outputVars: { sheetData: JSON.stringify(responseBody) }, // Temporarily return the response as a string
next: { path: 'success' },
trace: [{ type: "debug", payload: { message: "Response Body: " + JSON.stringify(responseBody) } }]
} catch (error) {
return {
next: { path: 'error' },
trace: [{ type: "debug", payload: { message: "Error fetching data from Google Sheets: " + error.message } }]