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Shopify: Get Customer


Get a Shopify from customer, by their customer ID or their email

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Voiceflow Community

Function Walkthrough

Function Code Snippet

export default async function main(args) {
    const logs = [];
    // Extract input variables from args
    const { customerIdentifier, accessToken, shopDomain } = args.inputVars;
    logs.push(`Extracted inputs - customerIdentifier: ${customerIdentifier}, accessToken: ${accessToken ? 'PROVIDED' : 'MISSING'}, shopDomain: ${shopDomain}`);

    // Validate that the required input variables are provided
    if (!customerIdentifier || !accessToken || !shopDomain) {
        logs.push("Error: Missing required input variables: customerIdentifier, accessToken, or shopDomain");
        return {
            next: { path: 'error' },

    // Determine endpoint based on whether the customerIdentifier contains '@' (email) or not (ID)
    let url;
    if (customerIdentifier.includes("@")) {
        const encodedEmail = encodeURIComponent(`email:${customerIdentifier}`);
        url = `https://${shopDomain}/admin/api/2024-01/customers/search.json?query=${encodedEmail}`;
        logs.push(`Querying by email: ${url}`);
    } else {
        url = `https://${shopDomain}/admin/api/2024-01/customers/${customerIdentifier}.json`;
        logs.push(`Querying by customer ID: ${url}`);

    // Configure the fetch request
    const config = {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'X-Shopify-Access-Token': accessToken,

    try {
        // Make the API call
        logs.push(`Making API call to URL: ${url}`);
        const response = await fetch(url, config);

        // Check if the response status is OK
        if (!response.ok) {
            throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);

        // Extract the JSON body from the response
        const responseBody = response.json;
        logs.push("Extracting JSON from the response:", responseBody.customers);

        // If searching by email, response body structure would be different
        const customerData = customerIdentifier.includes("@") ? responseBody.customers[0] : responseBody.customer;
        logs.push("Extracting customer data:", JSON.stringify(customerData));

        // Validate the responseBody structure as expected
        if (!customerData || typeof customerData !== 'object') {
            throw new Error("Invalid or missing response body from the API");

        // Extract required customer details
        const customerEmail = customerData?.email || "";
        const customerFirstName = customerData?.first_name || "";
        const customerLastName = customerData?.last_name || "";
        const customerOrdersCount = customerData?.orders_count || "";
        const customerTotalSpent = customerData?.total_spent || "";
        const customerLastOrderId = customerData?.last_order_id || "";
        const customerID = customerData?.id || "";

        logs.push(`Customer data retrieved: Email - ${customerEmail}, Name - ${customerFirstName} ${customerLastName} ${customerID}`);

        // Create the success return object with extracted data
        return {
            outputVars: {
                response: JSON.stringify(responseBody),
            next: { path: 'success' },
    } catch (error) {
        logs.push(`Error: ${error.message}`);
        return {
            next: { path: 'error' },

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